The story of Esther takes an interesting plot twist when instead of Morticai overhearing two men plotting to take King Xerxes life, he stumbles upon two maidens plotting revenge...
Tereh (Date #1) | Cyndie Jalbert
Cynthia Jalbert is 17 years old and is the 7th born of 8 children. Working with a Passion for Jesus from the beginning, Cynthia has enjoyed counseling, speaking, singing and acting at APJ events. She thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Christmas Through the Ages and Daughters of Easter productions and is looking forward to performing in Queen of Persia. She loves teaching American sign language, playing classical guitar, and drinking coffee.
Bigatha (Date #2) | Hannah
Hannah is a fourteen year old Florida native. She has been involved in APJ for four years, and is excited about what the Lord is doing with this ministry. Apart from serving the Lord, Hannah enjoys playing the piano and guitar, and also holds the title of "the family zoo-keeper" of their assorted animals. She also enjoys acting and singing, and is actively involved in the National Christian Forensics and Communication Association (NCFCA.) Hannah is extremely blessed to be apart of this program and is very grateful for the relationships that the Lord has provided through this outreach.
Tereh (Date #1) | Cyndie Jalbert
Cynthia Jalbert is 17 years old and is the 7th born of 8 children. Working with a Passion for Jesus from the beginning, Cynthia has enjoyed counseling, speaking, singing and acting at APJ events. She thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Christmas Through the Ages and Daughters of Easter productions and is looking forward to performing in Queen of Persia. She loves teaching American sign language, playing classical guitar, and drinking coffee.
Bigatha (Date #2) | Hannah
Hannah is a fourteen year old Florida native. She has been involved in APJ for four years, and is excited about what the Lord is doing with this ministry. Apart from serving the Lord, Hannah enjoys playing the piano and guitar, and also holds the title of "the family zoo-keeper" of their assorted animals. She also enjoys acting and singing, and is actively involved in the National Christian Forensics and Communication Association (NCFCA.) Hannah is extremely blessed to be apart of this program and is very grateful for the relationships that the Lord has provided through this outreach.
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